Where do Salvia grow best?
Salvia are true heat lovers and prefer full sun locations with well-drained soils. They can be used almost anywhere (borders, containers, islands) for a punch of summer color.
Are Salvia and Sage the same thing?
Salvia and Sage are one and the same. Although in the same family of plants, usually the name Sage is associated with cooking and medicinal uses and Salvia has been used for the ornamental flowering varieties.
Are Salvia deer resistant?
Yes, one of the most resistant! The foliage of Salvia is aromatic and not favored by deer.
Can Salvia be divided?
Yes! Divide Salvia every 3-5 years in early spring. Dig up the plant and separate it into two or three sections keeping as much of the root as possible. Replant the divisions and water in well.